Virtual Object
:: Подсчет выражения |
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Подсчет выражения {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} var a: ansistring; n: longint; ⁄⁄------------------------------------------------- function step(x,y:longint):longint; var i,t:longint; begin t:=x; for i:=2 to y do t:=t*x; if y=0 then step:=1 else step:=t; end; ⁄⁄------------------------------------------------- function calc(l,r:longint):longint; var leng,scob,i,numf,x:longint; z: array [0..6] of longint; stop:boolean; begin calc:=0; if l>r then exit; fillchar(z,sizeof(z),0); scob:=0; x:=0; i:=r; numf:=0; stop:=false; while ((i>=l)and(not stop)) do begin if a[i]=′)′ then begin numf:=1; inc(scob); end else if a[i]=′(′ then begin numf:=1; dec(scob); end else if scob=0 then begin if (((a[i]=′+′)or(a[i]=′-′))and(z[1]=0)) then z[1]:=i else if (((a[i]=′*′)or(a[i]=′⁄′))and(z[2]=0)) then z[2]:=i else if (a[i]=′^′) then z[3]:=i; if a[i] in [′+′,′-′,′*′,′^′,′⁄′] then x:=1; if (a[i]=′+′)or(a[i]=′-′) then stop:=true; end; dec(i); end; leng:=r-l+1; if x=0 then if numf=0 then calc:=StrToInt(copy(a,l,leng)) else calc:=calc(l+1,r-1) else begin while (x<4)and(z[x]=0) do inc(x); case x of 1: if a[z[x]]=′+′ then calc:=calc(l,z[x]-1) + calc(z[x]+1,r) else calc:=calc(l,z[x]-1) - calc(z[x]+1,r); 2: if a[z[x]]=′*′ then calc:=calc(l,z[x]-1) * calc(z[x]+1,r) else calc:=calc(l,z[x]-1) div calc(z[x]+1,r); 3: calc:=step(calc(l,z[x]-1),calc(z[x]+1,r)); end; end; end; ⁄⁄------------------------------------------------- begin assign(input,′input.txt′); reset(input); assign(output,′output.txt′); rewrite(output); readln(a); n:=calc(1,length(a)); writeln(n); end. |
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